Ethics and compliance

Our ethics policy is detailed in the PCM Code of Conduct. The principles apply worldwide within the PCM group companies not just on the human level, but also on the financial, legal, social and environmental level. It concerns the Group itself (the staff, shareholders and entities of PCM), the marketplace (customers, suppliers, competitors) and the countries in which the group operates.

The Code of conduct adopted by the Group serves as a compliance reference for behavior and actions:

  • Upholding fundamental rights: Acting in compliance with laws and regulations.
  • Relations within the Group: Respecting each other.
  • Relations with external partners: Establishing a culture of integrity, behaving fairly and honestly.
  • Relations with clients: PCM’s success is based on commitment to customers and ensuring their satisfaction. Seeking excellence and client satisfaction must therefore be one of the Group’s main priorities, as its long-term future and growth depend upon it. Customers place a great deal of trust in us, particularly when it comes to handling sensitive and confidential information.
  • Respect for shareholders: keeping the integrity and protect the Group’s assets and brands.
  • Social responsibility and environment: The Group has established an eco-design policy aimed at minimizing environmental impacts of activities. 
  • PCM whistleblowing line


>> Click here to download the PCM Code of conduct